domingo, 28 de novembro de 2010

Central Park

Central Park is a retangular park which measures around 2.5 miles long by 1 mile wide. It's in the heart of Manhattan. There are many things to do there, including riding a carriage, make a picnik, relax on the grass, walk around..... or just admire the landscape! Look at those pictures of Central Park!

Central Park in the winter! (a good place to have vacations!)

Central Park Statues

Another aerial pic of Central Park! Isn't it beautiful????

For more information, just check out at: and you'll have a complete guide about this wonderful place!

2 comentários:

otavio disse...

Central Park acho que é um dos maiores patrimônios culturais que existem.Por enquanto eu sou pobre pobre de marré marré e não posso conhecer.Quem sabe um dia,não?

Anna Augusta disse...

é lindo,quero conhecer!!!Um dia com certeza irei!!