quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010

Why Thanksgiven?

It's celebrated in USA and Canada in honor to thank all the blesses received like good harvest and events along the whole year. In this day people celebrate with parties and prays. It's celebrated on Fall, when the harvest period is over. In USA, the president Franklin Delano Roosevelt fixes this day as Thanksgiven Day. Here, are a typical table decorated to Thanksgiven Day.

The symbol of Thanksgiven is a Turkey, a sympathic turkey which is recognized as a symbol since when the pilgrims arrived in America, when they replaced the roasted goose with roasted turkey as main course as it was easier to find and in plenty.

1 comentários:

Rádio Mega Mix disse...

Professora Gisele,Pedimos desculpas,pois se quizer aceitar o nosso trabalho esta ai:>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57v47Kk93oU

Obrigado: Murilo,Victor Antonini,Alberto,Kadu